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Ladies' Day Audio


The 2014 Ladies' Day played on The Wizard of Oz with the theme, "There's No Place Like Home". The lessons call us to consider each part of us, and to examine what might keep us from reaching out to the lost souls around us. Instead of ignoring them, let's reach out and bring them to heaven with us, because there is no place like it! The speakers were Katherine Schnell and Gwen Schnell.


The 2013 Ladies' Day was themed, "Sew, How Do You Measure Up?" The lessons focus on examining ourselves and making adjustments to fit the pattern God has given us for our lives. The speakers were Katherine Schnell and Susan Thompson, her mother. Listen with your Bible and notepad handy! As with all our audio, you may listen, download, and share any or all of the talks free of charge. Enjoy!

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